On December 23rd, I went to Sapporo to renew my outdoor guide qualification.
Hokkaido has an outdoor guide qualification certified by the Hokkaido Governor. To obtain this qualification, you are required to have basic knowledge, laws related to natural parks, and knowledge of first aid, and you must go through a number of stages to obtain it, including a practical exam and a written exam. It is the only guide qualification system in Hokkaido.
However, it is not true that you cannot act as a guide if you do not have this qualification, and in fact there are many guides in Hokkaido who do so without the qualification, and there are many fellow guides who can provide the best knowledge and field even without the qualification (or maybe there are only a few like that...). On the other hand, just because you have this qualification does not mean that you can become a guide.
Hokkaido has a wide variety of outdoor activities, and the level, knowledge, and experience of its customers vary widely. From group tours to individual tours and foreigners, there are all kinds of people and fields. It is completely impossible for the Hokkaido Outdoor Guide Qualification to cover all of that.
So why do outdoor guides need qualifications? I think the reasons vary depending on each guide company. In my case, the reality is that I can do my guide work and attract customers without any problems even if I don't have a guide qualification.
However, I have to renew my license every three years, and the administrative work is very troublesome. However, I have the opportunity to take first aid courses, connect with lawyers at the renewal courses, ask various questions, and meet up with fellow guides from all over Hokkaido once every three years. Somehow, I have managed to hold my outdoor guide license for over 20 years without it expiring.
Obtaining a guide qualification is like a "path to becoming a guide" and is an opportunity to learn basic knowledge, the way of thinking of the guide business, risk avoidance, weather forecasting, laws, and other basic things. I believe that guides who hold a guide qualification are highly conscious and can become a standard. There are many regions around the world where rangers who protect nature and guides who utilize nature while protecting it are firmly established in the local culture.
Hokkaido also has a world-class natural environment, and I think that increasing the number of guides with a common awareness is a key point in order to protect and utilize this natural environment. I also think that in the future, the way guides who have guide qualifications are treated and given preferential treatment will change significantly. Do you believe that? If you don't believe that, you'll find it too much trouble to go through all these troublesome renewals and procedures, take a day-long first aid course, and maintain your qualifications!
Hokkaido outdoor guide qualification. Both guides and guests aim high!