毎日ガイドで自然の中に行きますが、見れる自然、出会う自然、撮れる写真は、不思議ばもので、人それぞれです。Every day we go out into nature as guides, but the nature that you can see, the nature you encounter, and the photos you can take are all different for each person, it's amazing.
昨日は、久しぶりに馬追と糠平湖のアイスバブルへガイドの下見。Yesterday, for the first time in a while, I went on a guided tour to check out the ice bubbles at Umaoi and Nukabira Lake.
モモンガたちの暮らしも寒さがきびしくなり、だいぶ安定した冬の暮らしになってきました。As the cold weather wears off, the Siberian flying squirrels' lives have become much more stable over the winter.